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Network Management

Action Request System

Remedy Corporation

Action Request System is a client-server application that manages theresolution of problems and support requests for UNIX and PC Networks. Asits users enjoy a customizable work flow process, it builds anexperienced database for rapid problem resolution. The Action RequestSystem integrates with popular management systems, such as SunNetManager, to bridge the gap between automatic monitoring facilities and tosupport workgroup management processes. It has the balance that mosthome-grown systems lack, with powerful features for end users, supportstaff, and staff management. Features include user customizable views,SYBASE and ORACLE SQL database support, Automatic problem submission,pro-active notification through desktop beeper, and fully documentedAPIs.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.3,2.4

Remedy Corporation
1505 Salado Dr
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 903-5200
Fax: (415) 903-9001